The Empire Hotels team is truly passionate about hospitality. We know both the joy and the frustration of this industry and how small changes can make a big difference. Securing Empire’s consultation service gives you access to our best and brightest with a comprehensive analysis of key factors affecting your bottom-line numbers. We’ll share our industry knowledge, hands-on experience, and eye for detail to help your property achieve optimum success.
Key Success Factors:
- Standard Operating Procedures – Review, creation, and implementation.
- Staffing & HR systems: Hiring, scheduling, and retention recommendations.
- AP/AR –Cash and credit handling procedures. Smart budgeting for ongoing maintenance and upkeep.
- Safety Procedures – Risk Management and Loss prevention.
- Market Positioning – Market analysis, relicensing and negotiation advice.
- Room Type Analysis – Study of room-type differential with recommendations to amend based on market demand.
- Brand Standards – PIP compliance, renovation recommendations, design and optimization of existing spaces.
- Sales & Marketing – Review of existing avenues. Identify areas for improvement and implement strategies to optimize exposure for all booking channels. Coaching in prospecting to increase RFP and lead generation. Tap into our knowledge of Brand-based platforms for loyalty and direct bookings
- Revenue Management – Utilize available tools for strategic forecasting to set bar pricing. Proven strategies to make real-time responsive adjustments to maximize ADR.
Contact us today for a no-obligation discussion and learn how we can help you reposition your property for profit.